The infinity symbol is a common grief tattoo. This sign represents togetherness and eternity, mostly used to honor a love that will never end. Though you might have experienced loss, your love is endless and unyielding.
Memorial tattoos, also known as remembrance tattoos, can be a special and healing way to acknowledge a very close person after they die. Here at Tomorrow Funerals, we believe in finding very personal ways to honour a much loved person. A symbolic tattoo, in memory, could be a meaningful choice.
A tribute tattoo is in honour of a specific person, or sometimes a dog. A regular tattoo is just, like, an anchor or something. You mean in honour of someone dead? No, it might just be your significant other.
Urn: Greek symbol of mourning, the body as a vessel of the soul, originating as a repository for the ashes of the dead in ancient times – a popular symbol of mourning. Most represent an ossuary.
If you can think of something that represents what made them unique and special to you, that's a good place to start. Search for imagery that represents them. You should also consider how that person affected your life personally, and why they were special to you.
1. An arrow tattoo represents moving forward. Whenever you're feeling like you're stuck in a situation, it will remind you to keep going ahead.
1. The Ankh (tattoo on top) - is also known as the "Key of Life", the Key of the Nile or Crux Ansata (meaning "cross with a handle"). It symbolizes Eternal Life, The Universe, Immortality & Power and is an Egyptian hieroglyph of the words "Eternal Life".
While getting a tattoo may feel extreme to some, memorial ink can play a powerful role in the grieving process for many bereaved people. “Memorial tattoos help keep someone we lost close to us.
Semicolon tattoos signify hope and optimism, and people get them inked to support those who have lost the will to live. Survivors of suicide and people who have lost someone to suicide usually get semicolon tattoos.
Birth and death dates are certainly symbolic, but if you're looking for a way to honor your loved one, you can turn your tattoo into a circle of life. For example, you can include vines or flowers that are in a circular shape, and include the important dates in their lives.
Traditionally, a solid black armband tattoo can represent the loss of a loved one. After all, black is the color of death and mourning. The shape effectively symbolizes the act of wearing the memory of the deceased on your sleeve.
Candles are used in many cultures as a symbol for loss and grief, along with a white dove, or here in Ireland, the triskele has been adopted by the Hospice Friendly Hospitals Programme as a bereavement symbol to let visitors and staff know that a recent bereavement has occurred.
A broken heart tattoo has a really deep and emotional meaning. First and Foremost it conveys that you are heartbroken and sad. Secondly, it can also represent that you are not going to trust just anybody.
Remembrance tattoos that are there for you go where you can see them - on the front of your torso, your arms, legs, feet, hands, over your heart. An elaborate memorial may require the major real estate of a full back, lower back, whole chest, full leg or sleeve.
The ring is one of the oldest and universal symbols of marriage. The purpose of the rings are to convey eternal love, happiness and commitment that cannot be broken. The ring itself is a complete circle with no break and no end or beginning representing never-ending love.
The ankh symbol—sometimes referred to as the key of life or the key of the nile—is representative of eternal life in Ancient Egypt.
Doves have long been considered symbols of love and peace. Along with their cooing and bowing courting rituals, doves mate for a lifetime, which has come to symbolize fidelity. Often, a depiction of two doves together translates to everlasting, eternal love.
Delta Symbol. Upper (arrow) means progress, moving forward; open delta means opennes to change.
Horseshoe symbol.
People often get this symbol tattoo as a symbol of their own personal journey to success and happiness, and the symbol is a powerful reminder to stay grounded in your journey and never give up.
The semicolon is used as a symbol to keep moving on in life.
Wreaths, urns (deriving from the ancient Greek custom of cremation and placing the ashes in funerary vessels), broken columns (representing lives cut short) and funeral shrouds signify death and mourning, and are familiar to both war memorials and grave monuments.
Typically, feather tattoos stand for free-spiritedness, bravery, and strength. It's for those who want to always believe in themselves no matter what and never give up. The spiritual meaning of a feather comes from its roots in Native American culture.