It's best to wait until you've had your 6-8 week postnatal check with your GP before returning to your pre-pregnancy levels of exercise. If you weren't very active before your pregnancy, this is a good time to start exercising. Try to build up gradually and stop if you have any pain.
How long before I can exercise after a c-section? Most people are cleared for exercise at 6-8 weeks after delivery by their obstetrician provided there have been no complications. While you may be feeling more like yourself around week four remember to stick to your post-op guidelines. This is to ensure proper healing.
Women should walk for about 20 minutes at a moderate pace to increase circulation and speed up healing. Fit mothers recover quickly and can be back on their feet in a matter of weeks. Walking after a cesarean delivery is regarded as an important part of recovery exercise.
Activity. Getting up and walking around once you are home will help you heal faster and can help prevent blood clots. You should be able to do most of your regular activities in 4 to 8 weeks.
During the first six weeks after having your baby, you can gradually increase activity at a pace that suits you. You could start with a five-minute walk, and gradually extend this time when you feel able. Ask your midwife or health visitor if you're unsure about what's best to do.
When Can I Start Bending After C -Section? As your body heals and the pain decreases when you move around, you can slowly try bending (between weeks 4 and 6).
Increased bleeding after your lochia starts to decrease can be a sign you're overdoing it and need more rest. Seeing ongoing clots could mean your uterus is having trouble getting back to its pre-pregnancy size. In either case, it's always best to call.
Gentle walking will help you recover from your surgery. If you had any complications during pregnancy or birth, or you have any medical problems, get advice from your GP or a physiotherapist before starting any type of exercise. Find out more about what happens after a c-section.
Gentle exercise, such as walking, will help you recover from your c-section. But avoid anything more active until you have no pain and you feel ready. For example, avoid driving, carrying anything heavy, having sex or doing heavy housework, such as vacuuming, until you feel able to.
Doctors, traditionally, have advised women to avoid stairs after a C-section. But Kathryn Houston, a clinical instructor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of California, San Francisco, shrugs off that recommendation. “Stairs are fine as long as you take them slowly,” she says.
After a c-section, you should sleep on your back or side. This shouldn't put too much strain on your c-section wound. You can also try sleeping on your back with your head elevated. Use pillows to keep your spine aligned and take pressure off your joints.
3 weeks post-cesarean delivery
After you've been home from the hospital for 3 weeks or so, you might be walking for up to 15 minutes, gradually building up the time if it feels good. Keep up your daily pelvic floor exercises too.
Swelling after a C-section is completely normal, and gas pains can be excruciating. They should pass within a week, once your bowels are moving normally again (abdominal surgery causes them to "shut down" temporarily, so pooping after a C-section might not come easy).
The swelling typically peaks 3 or 4 days after delivery. The hand will be tight in the morning and the ankles will be swollen late in the day; and it can be WORSE than during pregnancy. Overall, you should just get better. Each day should be better than the day before.
With a little one to care for and so much to do, you might be anxious to resume your normal daily activities. But it's important to listen to your body and not overdo physical activity. Avoid bending, stretching, or lifting — and don't carry anything heavier than your baby for the first four to six weeks.
It takes about six weeks to recover from a C-section, but each person's timeline will be different. An incision — typically a horizontal cut made in your lower abdomen — can take weeks to heal. During that time, it's recommended that you avoid lifting anything heavier than your baby.
Most women experience some discomfort for the first few days after a caesarean, and for some women the pain can last several weeks. You should make sure you have regular painkillers to take at home for as long as you need them, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.
Following your c-section, it's generally okay to engage in light, low-impact movement, such as walking. (Avoid pounding, jumping, running, or any other intense forms of exercise until you've been cleared by your healthcare provider.)
It is important to start with light exercises like walking, as soon as your doctor gives you the go-ahead after your c-section. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that moderate physical activity can lead to a reduction in body fat, including belly fat.
Avoid any high-impact exercises, such as aerobics, running and resistance or weight training. Once you have recovered from your c-section and no longer have any pain, it is usually safe to start low-impact exercises, such as swimming, postpartum Pilates, yoga, light jogging and low resistance gym work.
For the first couple of weeks, avoid lifting anything heavier than your baby. Seek pain relief. To soothe incision soreness, your health care provider might recommend ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others), acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) or other medications to relieve pain.