The country that drinks the most Tea in the world is Turkey, followed by Ireland, the UK, Iran, Russia, Morocco, New Zealand, Chile, Egypt and Poland. You can visit these places and find out their respective
Turkey had the highest rate of tea drinkers in 2022, with nine in ten people saying that they regularly drink the hot beverage. Kenya, a major producer and exporter of tea, also ranked highly in the 56 countries analyzed, with 83 percent of its respondents saying they regularly drink tea.
1. Turkey. 9 out of 10 people in Turkey were found to be regular tea consumers.
Think you know the answer to the question, “Who drinks the most tea?” You may be surprised. While China seems like the obvious answer, and for good reason since the country IS the largest consumer of tea at 1.6 billion pounds per year, astonishingly, China is not the largest consumer of tea per person.
Everyday tea, such as English breakfast tea, served in a mug with milk and sugar is a popular combination. Sandwiches, crumpets, scones, cake, or biscuits often accompany tea, which gave rise to the prominent British custom of dunking a biscuit into tea.
Though coffee drinking is certainly on the rise, tea is still the most popular hot drink within the UK.
Turns out, it's all to do with taxes. Tea was first brought to Britain in the early 17th century by the East India Company and was presented to King Charles II. His Portuguese wife, Princess Catherine of Braganza, set the trend in drinking tea, which then caught on among the aristocrats of the time.
Conclusion - What Country Drinks the Most Tea
The country that drinks the most Tea in the world is Turkey, followed by Ireland, the UK, Iran, Russia, Morocco, New Zealand, Chile, Egypt and Poland.
1. CHINA – 2,400,000 TONNES. Unsurprisingly China is top of the charts as the spiritual home of the humble cuppa and tops the list as the world's largest tea producing country. China produces some 40% of the world's tea weighing in at 2.4 million tonnes.
Containers for tea have been found in tombs dating from the Han dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD) but it was under the Tang dynasty (618-906 AD), that tea became firmly established as the national drink of China.
Doodh pati chai, literally 'milk and tea leaves', a tea beverage drunk in India, Pakistan, Nepal, and Bangladesh. Teh tarik, a kind of milk tea popular in Malaysia and Singapore. Suutei tsai, a salty Mongolian milk tea. Shahi haleeb, a Yemeni milk tea served after chewing qat.
Much of the Turkish tea is grown in a northern section of the country close to the Black Sea, and the richly black leaves produced there impart a deep red color to the tea when brewed.
Black Tea. Perhaps the most famous, and most popular, tea in the world, black tea is a staple in many households. There are several types of black tea in the market, but Ceylon tea is widely considered to be one of the finest brews.
Every day, three billion cups of tea are drunk around the world.
From an overall population perspective, around 64% of Indians drink tea regularly.
Looking at the amount of alcohol consumed per person aged 15 years or older, the Seychelles is in first place with around 20.5 litres of alcohol drunk per person per year, according to Our World in Data; studies show that young male peer groups primarily drink high amounts of alcohol in the Seychelles.
In 1680 Madame de la Sabliere, served tea with milk at her famous Paris salon. She is traditionally ascribed to introducing the custom to Europe. It is also thought that the poor quality in tea had to be softened with the flavor of milk just to make it palpable.
Turkey had the highest rate of tea drinkers in 2022, with nine in ten people saying that they regularly drink the hot beverage, followed by Kenya. Tea is the second most widely consumed drink around the world, coming in only after water.
The four biggest tea-producing countries today are China, India, Sri Lanka and Kenya. Together they represent 75% of world production.
For example, Coca-Cola is the most consumed soft drink in almost every country, but its consumption is the highest in Mexico, Brazil, and the United States, according to the data collected by Gitnux.
English breakfast tea or simply breakfast tea is a traditional blend of black teas originating from Assam, Ceylon and Kenya. It is one of the most popular blended teas, common in British and Irish tea culture.
It all began with a Scottish mandarin who smuggled a tea plant from China in 1848.
Britain's favourite alcoholic drinks
Beer, it seems, is the most popular drink by a clear margin.