The tendency to please is related to Dependent Personality Disorder. While the people-pleaser may not need others to do things for them, they do have a need for others, regardless. The pleasing personality is also related to the Masochistic Personality type, which also corresponds with Dependent Personality.
INTJ. INTJs are definitely not people pleasers, and often care very little what people think of them.
1. ESFJ. People who fit the ESFJ personality type can usually be recognized by their big hearts and kindly manner. ESFJs are warm and welcoming and their love of tradition means they value good old-fashioned manners highly.
"While the INTJ personality type is known for being highly intelligent, they also score high on trustworthiness, probably because they are self-aware enough to recognize the importance of trust in human relationships," Parmar explains.
People with the ISFJ personality type consider it their duty to protect and care for those they love. They have a heart for the struggling people of the world and will often do whatever it takes to provide a safe, stable environment for people who need them.
The top perfectionist types are the INTJ and INFJ personalities. NJs have high standards and, as Introverted Intuitives (Ni dominants), will chase impossible heights of perfection. They believe in living up to one's potential and are constantly thinking of ways to improve the task at hand.
The least common Myers-Briggs personality Type is INFJ
People who prefer INFJ make up only 1.5% of the general population in the US.
"ESFJs are social creatures with a lot of love for routine. They tend to be sensitive and feel most awkward when they think they are the butt of someone's joke or are not having their feelings in a friendship or relationship reciprocated," says Owens.
People with an ISFJ personality type tend to be humble, hard-working, and enthusiastic in their behavior. They often focus on making sure a job is done perfectly and like to follow a specific approach.
The ENFP. You'll never give up because you nearly always see alternatives, possibilities, and potential in the world.
ISTP. ISTPs get embarrassed when they react emotionally to situations or people.
INFJ is regarded as the most sensitive personality type. Some estimates suggest that 80 to 90% of people who test as INFJs also test as highly sensitive people, because the traits of the two overlap so much.
ESFJ. Those who are extroverted, sensing, feeling, and judging are among some of the most likable people, Sameera Sullivan, matchmaker and relationship expert, tells Best Life. They can be identified by their "warm disposition and big hearts," she says.
Elevating the narcissist. The narcissist also feels validated and approved in a relationship with a people-pleaser. The more he is elevated in the eyes of the people-pleaser, the more his ego and narcissism thrives.
In most cases, people-pleasing behavior is motivated by insecurity and low self-esteem caused by trauma bonds in childhood. People who were neglected, mistreated, or abused by their caregivers tried to please them in the hope of receiving attention and better treatment.
Type D personality is associated with social anxiety in the general population.
Probably the best that can be said is that it is easiest to make the case for the INFP, INTP, or ISTP as the most introverted personality type.
ISFPs are quiet, reserved types who like to focus their attention on people and the experiences they enjoy. They aren't typically big talkers unless someone they're talking about something deeply important to them or they're trying to empathize verbally with someone.
INTJ: One of The Rarest, Loneliest Personality Types [Introverts and Writing]
Personality types least likely to finish college
In general, ESTP and ESFP personality types are the least likely to go to a four-year college after high school. And when they do, they're the least likely to persist after the first year.
ISFPs balance a kind, gentle spirit with a pragmatic, down-to-earth personality.
ISFJs and ISTJs and Cleanliness:
For the ISFJ and ISTJ personality types, having a sense of order and cleanliness gives them peace of mind. They notice the little things and feel satisfaction when their environment is free of dirt, dust, and clutter.
"ENTJs are highly confident and have excellent leadership skills as their dominant extroverted thinking traits make them effectiveness oriented," she says. "This personality type is also the most obviously confident of all the personality types since they are natural solution offerers who are automatically decisive."
The INFP may be the toughest personality type of all for others to understand. They are seemingly easy-going and carefree, but when it comes to their values, they can become suddenly uncompromising.