According to a survey conducted by British parenting website Bounty, two girls are considered the best combination for parents to have a happy and harmonious family life. In their study, they surveyed 2,116 parents who had children aged 16 and under.
Based on test results of students from 82 different types of families, researchers concluded that the ideal student is a boy with two younger siblings. His next sibling must be a boy, fewer than two years younger than he is. The third child must be a girl, born no fewer than three years after her older brother.
Grow your family to at least four children! According to a study out of Australia's Edith Cowan University, parents with the most life satisfaction (which means those who are the happiest) are those that have four or more children.
In a study conducted by Dr Bronwyn Harman from the Edith Cowan University in Perth, it was found that parents with four or more children are the happiest parents.
A survey of more that 7,000 mothers found that the least stressful number of kids is four, while the most stressful number is three.
They found that one or two children made no difference to happiness, for men or women. However, this study found that three or more children negatively affected well-being. But there is more to life than just happiness. Often, the moments we truly savor are stressful.
The order you were born can have an impact on how successful you are in life, according to Sandra Black, an economics professor at the University of Texas at Austin. In her research, Black has found that first-born children tend to do better than their younger siblings when it comes to education and earnings.
Middle children are often the most successful sibling in their families, according to research.
A gap of 3 years or more greatly reduces the chances of sibling rivalry. By this time the older child is secure in him or herself and quite independent. In addition, the mother's body is fully recovered from the challenges of pregnancy and birth of the first child.
Researchers found that a family of four girls was the worst combination of children. They say that parents with four daughters reported to be the least content with overall family life. Parents also cited their families argued more often. The second best child combination was one girl and one boy.
A growing collection of studies suggests that being the youngest sibling may come along with some major health advantages. Researchers have found that the baby of the family is often slimmer and less prone to illness. As a result, younger siblings can expect to live longer than their older brothers and sisters.
Some studies suggest only kids tend to have closer, more affectionate relationships with their parents than kids from bigger families. Only children often develop better verbal skills and excel in school because they are read to more often than children with siblings, she said.
What is a golden child? "When people use the term 'golden child' or 'golden child syndrome,' they are referring to a child who has been deemed by their family—most often the parents—to be exceptional in one way or another, but without a foundation for the attributed exceptionalism," explains Smith.
Maternal half siblings are found to have closer relationships to each other compared to paternal half siblings. In contemporary societies, children usually stay with their mothers if the parents divorce, meaning that maternal half siblings typically spend their childhood in the same household.
Siblings or full siblings ([full] sisters or brothers) share the same biological parents. Full siblings are also the most common type of siblings.
Researchers have found a correlation between risk-taking and being the last-born sibling.
Black points to research she and her colleagues have conducted that found that firstborns tend to be smarter, richer, and all-around more successful than their younger siblings.
Researchers at the University of Illinois used a sample of 377,000 schoolchildren and found there were differences in personality traits, with the eldest sibling tending to be more extroverted, agreeable and conscientious.
A new study shows that first-born children tend to be smarter than their siblings and second-born children are more likely to cause trouble. The University of Edinburgh study reported that the oldest child tends to have a higher IQ and thinking skills than their younger siblings.
The research also revealed that older siblings are the most competitive, but also the most successful, with sisters being more competitive than brothers. Holiday destinations, parenting skills, and who drives the best car are also among the areas that bring out competitiveness among siblings.
It's hard to be the big sib. No matter how old you are, you're expected to take more responsibility, even when you're a very young person yourself. That's one reason that oldest children are often described as responsible, sensitive, perfectionistic, and a bit more anxious than their siblings.
Is it a household of girls, a household of boys, or a mix of the two best for parents? According to a survey conducted by British parenting website Bounty, two girls are considered the best combination for parents to have a happy and harmonious family life.
An actual study revealed one to two children is the ideal number for “happiness”, but with two you don't have to deal with the aforementioned only child issues.
According to some random online survey, the most stressful number of kids to have is three. In fact, having four is supposed to be less stressful than three kids.