Harry has his superior defensive magical at his disposal, but Hermione is more skilled in protective charms and enchantments. Either skillset could earn them a victory in a duel.
Hermione Granger. Considered by many to be the greatest witch of her age, what Miss Granger lacks in raw power she makes up for in skill and practice. In general, power is a fixed quantity in the Harry Potter world.
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was the only wizard Voldemort ever feared and the only one who could have defeated him in a duel. Albus Dumbledore is the most powerful wizard in the Harry Potter.
Hermione could beat Dumbledore any day if she wanted to. She's one of the most brilliant minds of her generation; like any good Gryffindor, she's brave, loyal, and strong. She mastered advanced spells at a young age, could make any potion perfectly, and her quick thinking saved her, Ron, and Harry more than once.
She is not, however, more powerful than Voldemort—though arguably her use of magic to harm her students is more creative.
Harry's other best friend, the bookish and kind Hermione Granger can't be beaten in the classroom. Harry recognizes her as his year's best student and even said so at some point. But while Hermione can ace any test, she can't quite keep up with Harry on the battlefield.
She is also the first one of her age to be able to cast non-verbal spells. Hermione is a competent duellist – Rowling has stated that during the first three books Hermione could have beaten Harry in any magical duel, but by the fourth book Harry had become so good at DADA that he would have defeated Hermione.
The most powerful muggle is Mary Lou Barebone from the Harry Potter spin-off Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. As the leader of the New Salem Philanthropic Society (aka the Second Salemers), she holds an immense amount of power as she attempts to bring down all witches and wizards for good.
Harry himself is a half-blood, since his pure-blood father, James, married a Muggle-born witch named Lily, and his maternal grandparents were Muggles.
He may be the titular character, but Harry is far from the most powerful wizard in the wizarding world. Sure, he does eventually go on to take down the greatest dark wizard of all time, but his success comes more as a result of his mother's sacrifice and the support of his friends than it does his own brilliance.
While most fans agree that Harry is the unrefuted Chosen One, the final Deathly Hallows film (in particular) sways heavily toward highlighting a heroic Neville, revitalizing the debate regarding which boy is better suited for the iconic title. "The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches ...
Hermione Granger
Perhaps Hermione would have had some trouble against Voldemort in her early years, but as an adult witch, she could certainly give him a run for his money if not outright demolish the Dark Lord. Her power combined with her breadth of knowledge is tough to beat.
Hermione: Knows More Spells
Unlike Harry and Ron, Hermione returned to Hogwarts to complete her seventh year of studies after the war. The young witch was studious, absorbing knowledge at an impressive rate and making her a hard foe for Harry to overcome.
But I believe Ron has better feats in actual fights, most people who support Hermione usually talk about how she saved the trio multiple times and is insanely smart, but Hermione saving the duo never included beating anyone in a duel.
Lord Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes), aka Tom Riddle, was described by Dumbledore as one of the best students ever to graduate Hogwarts as well as "the most dangerous Dark wizard of all time." Before he had even learned about the existence of the Wizarding world, he was terrorizing his fellow orphans with impressive but ...
Peter Pettigrew
Though he is accomplished in some ways, he is arguably one of the weakest wizards. Through his time in school he is described as latching on to Remus Lupin, Sirius Black and James Potter as stronger wizards he believed could protect him.
Harry and Draco were pretty much neck-and-neck when it comes to dueling and wand-related stuff. It was only until Harry got a hold of Snape's diary and channeled his Slytherin tendencies that he was able to win against Malfoy. As a result, he nearly killed Malfoy in The Half-Blood Prince.
It's obvious that Hermione is powerful, for lack of a better word. She's agile and has a sharper mind than most, and combining that with her versatile magical attacks she's a formidable Witch, even given the alias 'Brightest Witch of Her Age'.
Hermione is one of Harry's best friends and is a powerful witch. She has parents who are Muggles, meaning they do not possess magical ability. Ron Weasley, another wizard, is one of Harry's best friends and is the son of Mr.
Her greatest fear was probably failure
' Ron was joking (as he often does) but he was actually very close to the truth. Part of the reason Hermione worked so hard was that she was terrified of getting things wrong and letting people down – a common trait among high achievers.
For all of Hermione's many strengths, one of her biggest weaknesses was that she could be close-minded. She often thought her way of viewing the world was the only right one, and she would shut down anything that seemed illogical to her.
-He is faster at drawing spells. -Hermione tends to panic in combat situations, but Harry doesn't. -Hermione is good at useful spells, not Dueling spells which Harry excels at. -And finally J.K Rowling herself said that Harry would win in a duel.