However, white is the color of mourning in China, and for Sikh, Hindu, and some Muslim services. For a non-traditional gathering like a celebration of life service, you may be asked to wear bright colors or even a costume.
While dark clothes are traditional in many religions, white is worn to Hindu and Buddhist funerals.
White – East Asia and Europe
White is meant to signify purity and rebirth and is a popular colour of mourning for many East Asia countries. It also has strong connections to Europe as well.
In fact, many cultures around the world use the color white as a mourning color, just as black is a common color to signify grief in the United States. There are certainly times when wearing white might actually be the preferred color.
The family of someone who dies wears white mourning, in the hope that their loved ones are reborn again. The idea of white mourning, otherwise known as deuil blanc in French, was formed during the 16th century when white was worn by bereaved children and unmarried women.
Black is still the safest color for funeral attire, but you don't have to wear solid black. A black suit with a white shirt is acceptable or a dress that's mostly black but has a subtle color in the pattern is also fine to wear.
What you wear to an Islamic funeral is also very important. White is the color of humility and is often worn by the closest family members. Darker colors like grey, brown or black are also common. However, you should avoid bright colors or flashy jewelry.
As a neutral color, white should not be considered inappropriate at most North American funerals. Though you should ask the family hosting the service when in doubt, plain, neutral colors are generally acceptable for memorials. Wearing white in conjunction with other dark tones is absolutely appropriate.
Dressing appropriately for funerals around the world
In the West, showing respect at a funeral typically requires conservative attire in black or dark colors. However, white is the color of mourning in China, and for Sikh, Hindu, and some Muslim services.
The typical western funeral dress code for men is a black suit with a plain white shirt. It is worth noting that this has relaxed a little in recent years, but it's essential to keep that same somber attire.
All funeral guests wear black: men wear black suits with white shirts and black ties, and women wear either black dresses or black kimono. If the deceased was an adherent to Buddhism, a set of prayer beads called juzu (数珠) may be carried by the guests.
Some religions and traditions have set attire for the family members, but if you are just a visitor to the funeral, colours like black, white, or muted shades are acceptable. As red is a colour of celebration in the Chinese culture, it is highly offensive to wear red at a Chinese funeral.
Purple: dignity, elegance (often chosen for the funeral services of grandparents) Red: courage, love, respect. Red, Dark: grief, love, sorrow. White: humility, innocence, purity, reverence, spirituality, youthfulness (often used at the funerals of children) Yellow: devotion, friendship, loyalty.
Catholic Funeral Mass Etiquette and Dress Code
Mourners are usually encouraged to wear dark, muted colors. Black is traditional but any dark color is usually considered appropriate.
Traditionally, white clothing is symbolic of the dead, while red is not usually worn, as it is traditionally the symbolic colour of happiness worn at Chinese weddings.
At a traditional Buddhist funeral ceremony, the family will usually wear white or use white cloth to cover themselves. Buddhist funeral dress code often prescribes that women refrain from wearing jewellery, and that all mourners stay away from wearing red. This is because red is the Buddhist colour for joy.
Wearing dark grey or deep blue is just as appropriate as black, while brown and lighter greys are suitable for the vast majority of funeral services. However, unless specifically requested by the deceased or their family, you should avoid any bright colors such as yellows, oranges, pinks, and reds.
In general, it's not appropriate for guests to wear white to a wedding. "When you're a guest at a wedding, the most important thing to keep in mind is not to upstage or upset the bride," says wedding dress designer Madeline Gardner. "It's safe to stay away from any outfits that are predominantly white, cream or ivory."
Why you shouldn't wear red to a funeral. Wearing red to a funeral can be a sign of disrespect. It will give others a completely wrong impression if you wear a bright and bold colour to a funeral, as this goes against the dark, muted colours associated with sadness and mourning.
When deciding what to wear to a funeral, the most important thing is to respect the wishes of the bereaved family. The traditional dress code for a funeral in the UK for both men and women is black, conservative clothing, although wearing dark or muted colours is also considered appropriate.
What is appropriate clothing for a funeral? Traditionally, funeral etiquette suggests men and women wear black clothing that's conservative and respectful. Black or dark colours are most common, but some cultures expect mourners to wear a less traditional funeral colour.
First and foremost, dress appropriately. This means no jeans, shorts, or tank tops. Instead, opt for dark, conservative clothing. Women should avoid wearing anything too revealing or flashy, and men should make sure their clothing is clean and wrinkle-free.
White ihram clothing is intended to make everyone appear the same, to signify that in front of God there is no difference between a prince and a pauper. Ihram also contributes to a feeling of unity that pilgrims have when they are in the city of Mecca, that they are all brothers and sisters joined to worship Allah.
While there is no specific color of mourning in Islam (apart from the white of the shroud), one should wear modest, loose-fitting clothing to the funeral that covers the arms and legs. For women, head coverings are required.
What to wear to a Muslim funeral. All attendees, male or female, are expected to dress modestly and adhere to funeral etiquette. Men usually wear a shirt and trousers, while women wear a long-sleeved top, ankle-length skirt, and a headscarf.