Most of the time, your cat meowing early in the morning is a cry for attention, and his method of trying to release pent-up energy. According to the Seattle Times, you can tire your feline out a bit by playing with toys before bed.
There are many reasons that your cat may be expressing themselves vocally at night, but it's typically one of two reasons: boredom or hunger.
Cats meow at night for all kinds of reasons. Sometimes, they want a treat. At other times, your cat may need you to replenish their food or water. More often than not, they're meowing just because they're lonely and want to play — even when their people are fast asleep.
Your cat might meow at night because they feel bored, unstimulated, lonely or just want to go outside.
Cats have different sleep-wake cycles than other animals and are often busy at night. This is because cats are crepuscular, which means they hunt and are active in the evening or early morning. This cat behavior at night is sometimes called the night crazies and may cause lack of sleep for cat owners.
Try playing soft classical music at night for some background noise. Try catnip. Some cats get sleepy immediately after playing with catnip. If your cat has never tried it before, then first experiment with catnip during the day because some cats experience the opposite effect.
In conclusion, when your cat meows at night, you must ignore it completely and perfectly in order not to encourage the behaviour. Keeping the cat busy at night may prevent it from getting hungry or finding creative ways of getting your attention.
Give your cat lots of play and enrichment during the day so they're ready to sleep at night. Prey sequence play sessions right before bed work great. You can follow the play session with their nightly meal or a snack. Giving a food puzzle or two during the day gets your cat using their brain.
The answer is simple: Because it works. This is an acquired behavior that you – probably without being aware – taught your cat: When I am hungry or want attention in the morning, I meow, and my owner gets up to feed me or give me attention. As with any acquired behavior, the sooner you change this pattern, the better.
Getting the Midnight Crazies
As many cat owners know, there is such a thing as the cat witching hour. It usually happens at night – maybe as you're getting ready to go to sleep or perhaps while asleep – when your cat is raring to play.
It could be the cats are anticipating food in the morning, hence their focus on waking you up. Set the feeders to deliver food in the morning (at a time that is before they usually wake you), and their focus will hopefully turn to the feeders.
Cats are naturally more active at night and at dawn, so it is normal for cats to be up at these timesCats will meow at their owners when they are hungry. When are you feeding kitty? If you feed your cat right after you wake up in the morning, kitty will meow earlier and earlier to get their food.
Many cats learn to meow to signal their wish to go outside or be fed. This technique is especially effective early in the morning or at night when you are tired.
They reserve their unique vocal language for their humans only. Your cat could be meowing excessively because they are hungry, afraid, sick, or when they need your attention and love.
To maintain a routine, keep mealtimes, play times and any grooming close to the same time each day. Empty litter at regular, predictable intervals (dirty or disturbed litter may also be a reason your cat is waking you up). Try not to move litter trays, bowls or scratch posts around unless needed.
Melatonin has a naturally calming effect, so it not only helps your cat get much-needed sleep, but it also helps them manage their stress levels.
Howling, crying, hiding, and otherwise acting in a way that is out of character for your pet should alert you that something may be seriously wrong. Changes in litter box habits, particularly in male cats, can indicate a serious health problem.
Provide your cat with a stimulating environment to keep her busy throughout the day. Keep your cat on its feet by hiding little snacks around the house. Watch as they burn off that excess energy and wiggle their way to the hidden treasures in joy!
Cats create certain vocalizations in order to elicit responses from, and gain the attention of, their human companions. Research has shown that cats use a vocalizations similar to crying human infants because humans are more likely to respond to it.
Supplements, such as L-theanine, Zylkene (hydrolyzed milk protein), or other calming formulations for felines. Pheromone products like Feliway, which release calming cat scent signals. A Thundershirt or other body wrap, which provides comfort by mimicking swaddling. Herbal treatments such as Rescue Remedy for pets.
What can you do to stop the midnight crazies? Giving your pet more exercise and play during the day will help, as will feeding them the largest meal of the day just before bedtime.
We sell many of the Meowijuana products in our front lobby. While catnip helps to calm most cats, it doesn't work for everyone. Catnip makes some cats very sleepy and makes some very playful and energetic.