The sudden urge to kiss someone is known as. basorexia, and some researchers believe that it's not. just a desire but one of 156 distinct human emotions.
Say “No” if the person moves in for a kiss.
If someone leans in for a kiss, tell them to back off in clear and simple terms. Try saying something like “No,” “Stop,” or “Please don't kiss me.” You might also say, "I find you really attractive, but I'm just not ready for that yet."
A good way to tell if a guy wants to kiss you is to pay attention to where he's looking. If he's looking at your lips or staring into your eyes, he's probably thinking about kissing you. He may even comment on your lips while he's looking at them. If he compliments your lips, or your eyes, he's ready for the kiss.
He notices that you're already comfortable with him touching you gently. He'll be on the lookout for how comfortable you are with him when he kisses your hand or cheeks. And if he gives you those small and sweet kisses elsewhere, it's an obvious sign he wants to kiss you on the lips.
A long kiss releases dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin, feel-good chemicals that will make him smile. A single smile produces endorphins, another hormone that lifts his mood. Endorphins also create a “feedback loop” that will make him smile over and over.
But they often work together to create different levels of relationships. Also, these functions vary among people. So while one man may get emotionally attached after kissing, another may not. It is highly subjective, depending on the man, the woman, and the kind of chemistry they have.
First, keep your lips soft and slightly opened, in a gently inviting and receptive way. Don't press them together tightly, but also avoid opening them too wide. Drooling and too much saliva is almost always a turn-off for men and women. On the other hand, some women and men like steamy, sloppy, wet kissing.
Your heart rate increases.
That pitter-patter of your heart is your body shouting, “Love! Love! Love!” An accelerated heart rate has you moving, thinking, and feeling faster. If your heart feels like it's going to burst out of your chest, chances are that was one passionate kiss.
In 1991, Biedermann coined the term "kinetic imbalance due to suboccipital strain" ("KiSS-syndrome"). He assumed a functional abnormality of the suboccipital-high cervical spine, resulting in positional preference of the infant;s head. A broad spectrum of symptoms and complaints have been attributed to "KiSS-Syndrome".
This is a similar type of kiss wherein both the partners stick out their tongues and kiss each other without the use of their lips.
KISS syndrome is not a disease but a malfunction and blockage in the upper cervical in children. The definition of KISS in english is 'Kinematic Imbalance due to Suboccipital Stress'. This means imbalance in motion due to stresses in the upper neck region.
You experience an adrenaline rush: When you kiss someone for the first time, your body will release a burst of adrenaline (the fight-or-flight chemical) which increases your heart rate, boosts your energy levels and gets the blood flowing.
Gaze into your boyfriend's eyes.
Hold your gaze, so you're really bonding. You'll want to close your eyes when you actually kiss, but great eye contact is really important before you lock lips. Staring into his eyes allows those butterflies to build up in your chest—and his, too!
Your first kiss might feel like a high-pressure situation — a moment you'll think a lot about before it happens. But that doesn't mean it should be something you need to worry about. The most important thing is to make sure that both you and the person you're kissing are happy and comfortable.
6 Lick Your Own Lips with Your Tongue. Don't forget to take care of your own mouth. Although licking your lips can actually dry them out in the long run, it's okay to lick them right before a kiss to make sure they're moist. Of course, if you have chapstick nearby, then try using that instead.
Via The Science of Kissing: What Our Lips Are Telling Us: Overall, the researchers showed that the amount a couple kissed was proportional to their stated level of relationship satisfaction. 59% of men and 66% of women have ended a relationship because someone was a bad kisser.
Most often, guys breathe heavily when making out due to feeling aroused or extremely excited about being with you. Keep it in mind.
Physical attraction, sexual compatibility, empathy, and emotional connection are key to making a man fall in love with a woman.
He smiles during or after.
Smiling while smooching might be an indication he's not only happy to be kissing you right now, but that he's been wanting to kiss you for some time, and is overcome with elation and a sense of victory.
A good kisser knows how to get in tune with what the other person is doing and stay in sync to their movements and vibe. So if you feel like you're well-suited to your kissing partner's style, then you're all set.
If this is a first-time hookup, he's trying to keep it casual by avoiding your lips--a sign that you shouldn't expect this fling to last long. But if you're already a couple, odds are that kissing just isn't on his mind once your clothes are off.
He is looking at your lips
If his gaze keeps slipping down to your lips while he's talking to you, it's a sign that he is admiring you, fantasising about you and might even want to start a stable, long-term relationship with you," says Madan.