Taking a step back to observe and analyze a situation is their strong suit. Along with being great listeners, introverted entrepreneurs are always looking for the best solutions. That means they can put their egos aside and consider other people's ideas when making a decision.
Introverts are actually great team leaders, but they are also successful when working independently. Since introverts have often struggled to get their true talents seen and appreciated, they are generally quite respectful of the different working styles and preferences of others. Introverts don't give up easily.
Their silence allows them to take more time to process what's happening and take in more information. This is why, when faced with a problem, they will often take time to think things through– enough time that they can come up with a strategy.
First of all, 98% of the high performers on the planet have one thing in common. They are Introverts. Bill Gates is an Introvert, Warren Buffett is an Introvert, Elon Musk is an Introvert.
On average, introverts and extroverts are the same in terms of intelligence. But statistics show that around 70% of gifted people are introverts. People are considered “gifted” when they exhibit above-average intelligence or a superior talent for something, such as music, art or math.
Not only is Einstein one of the most famous scientists in history, but he was also a known introvert. Leaning into his introverted nature, Einstein believed that his creativity and success came from keeping to himself. He said, “The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind.”
'Introverts are thoughtful listeners'
“Being an introvert is actually a strength because they do take that time to process and filter their responses,” says Owens. “And they tend to be better active listeners and strategic thinkers.”
You might not have expected a founder of a social network to be an introvert. But Mark Zuckerberg is a classic example of an introverted leader.
Around one-third to one-half of all people in the U.S. are introverts. Though it looks different in everyone, introverts have many of the same patterns of behavior. In general, introverts: Need quiet to concentrate.
While extroverts can often speak first and think later, introverts tend to think through the things they'll say, often ensuring that the right words are spoken. This makes them extremely attractive to other people! After all, who doesn't want to feel like the person they're talking to really gets them?
They speak less and listen more, which gets people interested in them. What makes introverts attractive is their ability to observe beyond the words people speak. They pay close attention to details and are extremely prudent. Introverts are also genuinely concerned about others, which shows their empathic natures.
Quiet people are more likely to be thoughtful and sensitive, but they're also less likely to get angry or frustrated quickly. They may have trouble expressing their emotions at first because they're not used to showing them in public or in front of other people.
They are mysterious.
People want to know what they are thinking, but will never know all of it. This makes introverts incredibly fascinating and intimidating at the same time. It is no wonder that they are so extremely misunderstood by the more outgoing and vocal people in our society.
If you look at some of the world's preeminent inventors, writers, and entrepreneurs, most of them are introverts.
Introverts are more likely to be effective leaders in organizations that encourage workers to contribute ideas. Introverts' listening skills may draw top results from their teams. 7 Introverts also are observant, noticing details and connections others may not—including contributions that other introverts can make.
Introversion isn't totally genetic. It gets influenced by your environment at a young age, and our genes allow a certain amount of flexibility in response. This happens through “set points,” which are the upper and lower limits of how much extroversion your brain can handle.
Weaknesses: social anxiety, shyness, navigating a predominantly extroverted world.
Perhaps the toughest part of being an introvert is not so much talking about yourself, but rather wishing you were better at talking about yourself.
Yet despite his electric performances on the screen, Reeves is well-known for his Introverted nature. He is not the type to be seen at Hollywood parties or in the company of other celebrities. Many photographs have been taken of him sitting alone, seemingly content to reinforce his reputation as an Introvert actor.
Many of the world's most successful leaders such as Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates are considered introverted. The assumption that outgoing extroverts make better leaders can lead you to give fewer opportunities to introverted employees.
Throughout history and in business, introverts have been exceptional leaders. For instance, as many know, Bill Gates is an introvert, yet he built Microsoft and is one of the wealthiest people in the world.
Introverts are sometimes looked down upon for being shy and timid, however, one should not be ashamed of being an introvert.
Other names they're known by include 'super introverts', 'true introverts', and 'hardcore introverts'. Those landing on the extreme side of the spectrum of introversion have traits that make others think something is wrong with them.
According to the researchers, their working memory may have greater capacity, perhaps giving them a stronger ability to juggle several tasks at once. Not all introverts are geniuses (although some certainly are).