Healing after scaling takes up to 4-6weeks. Hence, scaling or tooth cleaning does not create additional space in the teeth but just cleans and clears already existing spaces in the teeth.
The usual gaps present between the teeth gets filled with deposits ,which after removal by scaling gives an effect of increased gap. These gaps will disappear once the inflamed gum tissues become normal and grow back to their original positions.
Some people may find that their teeth feel looser after having the treatment. This is because removing the tartar from the pockets between the gums and teeth creates a gap between the two, which can cause the teeth to feel loose. Over time, the gums should reattach to the teeth, making the teeth feel more secure.
Most patients respond very well to deep cleaning and, with good after care, see rapid improvement in the condition of their gums. Over time, pockets will shrink and your gums will be restored.
While any gum loss experienced due to gum disease will not grow back, the majority of patients can expect their gums to reattach after undergoing a deep cleaning. This is because all of the harmful bacteria has been removed, allowing the gums to once again be healthy.
In addition, when the dentist removes the infection and tartar, they also smoothen the roots to allow your gums to heal around your teeth. As a result, you can expect a significant tightening of the gums in approximately five days after deep cleaning.
On average, it takes about 5 – 7 days for your gums to heal after deep cleaning. During this period, it's possible to experience minor gum soreness, swelling, and tooth sensitivity.
The disadvantages of deep cleaning teeth include nerve damage and potential infections if you have a compromised immune system. The cleaning might cause pain, and sensitivity in the treatment doesn't guarantee reattachment of your gums to the teeth. The cleaning might even cause further gum recession.
During tooth cleaning procedure the dentist removes these deposits and the spaces become noticeable. Healing after scaling takes up to 4-6weeks. Hence, scaling or tooth cleaning does not create additional space in the teeth but just cleans and clears already existing spaces in the teeth.
Mix a tablespoon of salt in 6 ounces of warm water and swish vigorously around in your mouth. Continue this at least for a minute before you rinse, spit and repeat. This will draw out all that hidden bacteria effectively. Gradually, your gums will begin to strengthen and so will the loose tooth.
Deep teeth cleanings are meant to treat periodontal or gum disease; a deep teeth cleaning is often advised for people who haven't had regular dental cleaning appointments for a while but it may be recommended for anyone who has gum disease or periodontal issues.
The American Dental Association recommends you see your dentist at least once a year for deep cleaning. If you have a history of gum disease, you should get your teeth cleaned twice a year to prevent infections or complications.
It has already been created by calculus deposits and loss of bone support. The spaces had earlier been filled by debris so were not visible. Once cleaned, the spaces become vacant and apparently gives a feel that they have been created after cleaning.
A deep teeth cleaning should take between 1-4 hours. First, your hygienist will numb you by injecting a local anesthetic. Sometimes, the hygienist will need one hour per quadrant to do the proper scaling and root planing of all the root surfaces in one quadrant.
Your gums and teeth will be sensitive immediately following your deep cleaning. Watch what you eat and avoid food or drink that may cause irritation. Hot or cold foods, hard or sharp foods, and anything that requires excessive chewing should be avoided for around 48 hours.
A deep dental cleaning session lasts approximately 45 minutes. Gum disease that has advanced beyond this stage is called periodontitis, which affects the bones and tissues that keep your teeth in place. Your gums may recede, and pockets may develop between teeth and gums.
After removal of plaque and tartar buildup, it is common to have spaced between your teeth and gum tissue. Some spaces may appear as “black triangles” near the gum area, whereas other spaces may separate the teeth. Flossing and brushing regularly will keep the spaces from building up with plaque and tartar.
A deep dental cleaning is necessary when there is a significant amount of bacteria and tartar buildup on the surfaces of your teeth. Once pockets form from gum disease, the bacteria and tartar begin to fill these pockets. If not removed, periodontal disease and eventually tooth loss can take place.
Although deep teeth cleanings are uncomfortable, you will likely not experience severe discomfort because you receive local anesthesia or topical anesthetic to numb your gums. However, you can expect some sensitivity to the procedure with swelling and minor bleeding.
While regular cleaning focuses more on the gum line to scale and polish the teeth' outer surface, deep cleaning teeth involves removing bacteria colonies and tartar from the roots of the teeth.
Some patients may notice that their gum recession has not improved after treatment. In fact, once the swelling associated with gum disease goes away, the gums could appear to be receding even more than before the deep cleaning. This is normal for some people.
Deep cleaning can help reverse gum disease. It is important to visit your dentist regularly to prevent gum disease. If you adhere to a routine exam schedule, your dentist can also catch gum disease in its early stages. Your dentist may recommend a deep cleaning once you get a proper diagnosis.