These bumps are called Montgomery glands. They secrete oil that helps to lubricate the areola. They become slightly larger and slightly red/pink when you are pregnant and breastfeeding.
Avoid popping: Even though these glands may look like pimples on your breast, they are not pimples. You shouldn't try to pop them. Do not treat with acne medication. Not only can acne medication dry out your areola, but many acne treatments are dangerous.
Just as you can get pimples on similar oily spots - your forehead, or nose - you can get them on or around your nipple. That was probably pus that you squeezed out, a result of the blockage. Keep your eye on the spot; if it doesn't come back, then you won't need to worry.
Nipple discharge can be alarming to many women. But discharge that occurs only when the nipple and breast are squeezed may not be a cause for concern. The risk of cancer when nipple discharge is the only symptom is fairly low. A lump with the discharge will be of primary concern to your healthcare provider.
Nurse or pump frequently: As painful as it feels, don't stop pumping or nursing. This can help open the nipple pore. Some people find relief by placing their baby's chin against the duct to better drain the clogged area. Apply heat: Place a warm washcloth or heating pad on the milk bleb several times a day.
A milk blister, or a nipple bleb, looks like a tiny white spot on the nipple. It can be caused by a plugged milk duct or a thin layer of skin blocking the milk duct. Sometimes a nipple bleb occurs after trauma to the nipple. If it is not painful, no treatment is necessary.
You should avoid squeezing, popping or trying to unclog Montgomery glands because this could lead to infection or skin injury. Sometimes, Montgomery glands can become blocked, inflamed or infected. The signs would be a painful swelling or inflammation around the nipple and areolar area.
A white spot on the nipple usually occurs in breastfeeding women, but can occur at other times. It is also referred to as a blocked nipple pore, a bleb or a milk blister. It is usually about the size of a pinhead or a little larger. The skin surrounding the white spot may be red and inflamed.
The most common cause of Montgomery's tubercles is pregnancy. Along with breast tenderness, darkening veins, and sore nipples, breast changes are one of the earliest signs of pregnancy.
The nipples and the area around the nipples (areola) become darker and larger. Small bumps may appear on the areola. These bumps will go away after you have your baby. You may notice a yellowish discharge, called colostrum, from your nipples as early as the 16th to 19th week.
Milk blebs or blisters usually look like a tiny white or yellow spot about the size of a pinhead on your nipple, and often resemble a whitehead pimple.
Milk production generally begins around the midpoint of pregnancy, somewhere between weeks 16 and 22. At this stage your body is producing what's known as colostrum—a yellowish milk that's rich in calories and disease-fighting antibodies—which will serve as baby's first food after birth.
Adding, Dr Kabilan said, “You don't need to thoroughly clean your nipple after each and every feed, but you can use warm water to rinse the saliva, followed by pat drying with a clean towel after every three or four feeds throughout the day.”
Generally speaking, breastfeeding your husband or partner is OK. It's not perverted or wrong if you want the person you are intimate with to breastfeed, or if they ask to try breastfeeding or taste your breast milk.
A breast abscess is a painful collection of pus that forms in the breast. Most abscesses develop just under the skin and are caused by a bacterial infection. Breast abscesses commonly happen as a complication of mastitis. Mastitis is a condition that causes breast pain and swelling (inflammation).
One or both breasts may produce a nipple discharge, either spontaneously or when you squeeze your nipples or breasts. Nipple discharge may look milky, clear, yellow, green, brown or bloody. Discharge that isn't milk comes out of your nipple through the same ducts that carry milk.
Excessive breast stimulation, medication side effects or disorders of the pituitary gland all may contribute to galactorrhea. Often, galactorrhea results from increased levels of prolactin, the hormone that stimulates milk production. Sometimes, the cause of galactorrhea can't be determined.
Milia, (also known as milk spots) typically show up a day or two after birth. In babies who are born prematurely, they may not show up for days or weeks. It can be upsetting to see your beautiful infant's skin covered in these little bumps, but they'll go away without any treatment in two or three weeks.