Loo. Toilet. An outdoor toilet is a Dunny and an indoor toliet is called a loo. So you might say, "You can use the dunny out the back on the loo in the front." And that's how you say "toilet" in Australian.
The first potential origin of the word 'loo' refers to the interjection, 'gardyloo. ' 'Gardyloo' comes from 'gardez-vous de l'eau' which is French for “watch out for the water!”.
Other definitions for toot (3 of 4)
nounAustralian Informal. lavatory; toilet.
A: It dates from the early 1800s, Scottish in origin, from dung + ken (house) to give “dunnekin” as another name for the outhouse. Once the toilet moved inside, Australians and New Zealanders dropped the kin and kept with the dunny.
Diaper is what they use in North America, and Nappy is the word used in the UK & Ireland, Australia, NZ and many other Commonwealth countries.
In the United States, you can expect the use of porta-potty and porta-John. Locally, Aussies often use Dunny or, if you're in rural areas, maybe even Thunderbox.
Dunny can now be used for any toilet. The word comes from British dialect dunnekin meaning an 'earth closet, (outside) privy' from dung + ken 'house'. First recorded in the 1930s but dunnekin is attested in Australian sources from the 1840s.
Flip-flops are also called thongs (sometimes pluggers) in Australia, jandals (originally a trademarked name derived from "Japanese sandals") in New Zealand, and slops or plakkies in South Africa and Zimbabwe. In the Philippines, they are called tsinelas.
Loo. Despite being a very British word for toilet, 'loo' is actually derived from the French phrase 'guardez l'eau', which means 'watch out for the water'.
Let's start with the most common, most well-known, and most quintessentially Australian slang term for girls: Sheila. While everywhere else in the English-speaking world, Sheila is a specific person's name, in Australia it can be used to refer to any woman or girl.
Ketchup is underrated. We call it tomato sauce in Australia.
In Australia and New Zealand, "soft drink" or "fizzy drink" is typically used. In South African English, "cool drink" is any soft drink. U.S. soft drinks 7-Up or Sprite are called "lemonade" in the UK.
In Australia, the term "couch" is commonly used to refer to a long, upholstered seat designed for two or more people to sit on. However, some Australians may also use the term "sofa" or "lounge" interchangeably with "couch".
Avoid the use of the word garbage at all costs especially if you are trying to get children to throw something out, as you are giving them good reason to ignore you. You throw 'rubbish' out in the 'bin' in Australia.
Plonk, chardy and the goon of fortune
Plonk is perhaps Australia's best-known word for alcohol. It originally meant cheap, fortified wine but over time came to mean any cheap alcohol.
Daks: Australians call their trousers 'daks'. If someone mentions 'tracky daks', they're talking about sweatpants.
The term "esky" is also commonly used in Australia to generically refer to portable coolers or ice boxes and is part of the Australian vernacular, in place of words like "cooler" or "cooler box" and the New Zealand "chilly bin".
Ask an Aussie to name a truly Australian word, and they might yell "Bonzer!" Bonzer, sometimes also spelled bonza, means "first-rate" or "excellent," and it is the Australian equivalent of the American "awesome": "It's a good clean game ... and the standard is red hot," Thies said.
But the Australian slang for beer is amber fluid. Some states call it a pint, and in others, it is a schooner. Stubby meaning?
A koozie ( /ˈkuːzi/ KOO-zee) (US) or stubby holder (Australian) is a fabric or foam sleeve that is designed to thermally insulate a beverage container, like a can or bottle.
"Naur" is "no" spelled in an Australian accent. More accurately, it's "no" spelled in what an Australian accent sounds like to Americans. "When you tell an Australian that there's an 'r' in the way we pronounce 'no' they're like 'Mmm… no, there's not,'" says Hume.
chook. A domestic fowl; a chicken. Chook comes from British dialect chuck(y) 'a chicken; a fowl' which is a variant of chick. Chook is the common term for the live bird, although chook raffles, held in Australian clubs and pubs, have ready-to-cook chooks as prizes.