Yes, text neck can be cured. Recovery usually takes around four to eight weeks but requires a continued self awareness. The healing time however can vary greatly depending on the severity of your condition and compliance to your treatment plan. Follow-up care is essential, as recurrence of text neck can occur.
Assess for red flags including pain, myelopathy (compression of the spinal cord, malignancy, inflammation or infection, trauma or skeletal injury, vascular conditions, weakness or loss of sensation involving more than one myotome or dermatome or significant intractable or increasing pain (use clinical judgement) - ...
Red flags are specific attributes derived from a patient's medical history and the clinical examination that are usually linked with a high risk of having a serious disorder like an infection, cancer, or a fracture.
Neck pain caused by muscle tension or strain usually goes away on its own within a few days. Neck pain that continues longer than several weeks often responds to exercise, stretching, physical therapy and massage. Sometimes, you may need steroid injections or even surgery to relieve neck pain.
The structures of the neck are extremely important to the wellness and function of our lives. Pain or injury in this area can also lead to other symptoms throughout the body, including tingling, dizziness, weakness, and nausea.
Any one of these processes disturbed by cervical spine instability putting pressure on the vagus nerve or the brainstem or other related structures will cause the problems of nausea and gastroparesis. Anything that impacts the medulla of the brainstem, that area above the cervical spinal cord that can give you nausea.
Signs and Symptoms of Text Neck
Sharp or Nagging pain in the neck and shoulders. Stiffness/tightness in shoulders and neck leading to decreased range of motion. Intermittent or constant headaches. Nerve pain with tingling and numbness in the upper limbs.
Text Neck has been linked to headaches, neurological issues, depression, and heart disease. These symptoms can creep up on you slowly, but chances of a negative impact on your health increase each time you hunch over your phone.
Focusing on strength and flexibility in your neck and upper back can help relieve text neck pain. Stretching your upper trapezius area and muscles in the back of your neck, for instance, helps reduce muscle spasms. To instantly relieve pain, try massaging or stretching the problem area.
Neck pain may be caused by arthritis, disc degeneration, narrowing of the spinal canal, muscle inflammation, strain or trauma. In rare cases, it may be a sign of cancer or meningitis.
Causes of cancer in the neck
thyroid cancer. throat cancer. mouth or oral cancer. tongue cancer.
Manual techniques such as massage and joint mobilisations are used to help loosen up the stiff joints and tight muscles, which thereby helps to alleviate pain. Physiotherapy for neck pain also involves ultrasound, heat packs and TENS to help with pain relief.
Some neck pain may be due to inflammation in the discs of the spine and the surrounding nerves and joints. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) alleviate pain by reducing inflammation. NSAIDs include ibuprofen, naproxen, and aspirin, all of which are available over-the-counter.
Many people with neck pain accompanied by dizziness experience one or more of the following: Dull ache or general soreness in the neck, which may also go into the shoulder(s) or up into the head. Sharp or electric-like pain or tingling that may come and go, possibly radiating down into the arm and/or hand.
Can neck pain cause problems anywhere else? Often neck problems can be accompanied by pain in your upper back or arms. Pain sensations can include hot, burning, shooting, or stabbing pain in your shoulders or into one or both of your arms. Neck pain can also cause headaches.
Neck pain, or cervicalgia, can last from days to years, depending on the cause. Common causes include physical strain, poor posture, mental stress, osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis, herniated disk, pinched nerve, tumors and other health conditions.
This causes symptoms such as sharp pain in your neck, shoulder, arm, hand, or back. You may also have tingling or numbness. Sometimes it makes your arm weaker. The symptoms may get worse when you turn your head, cough, or sneeze.
If left untreated, neck pain can progress and cause secondary conditions such as headaches, migraines and shoulder pain that radiates into other areas of the body.
Back pain red flags – Night Pain
Back pain that worsens at night or while you're sleeping might indicate something more severe like an infection or cancer. This is especially true if you also have other symptoms in addition to your back discomfort when you sleep or relax.
The three most important 'red flag' symptoms that indicate that a patient may need neuro-ophthalmological assessment are: Sudden onset of double vision (diplopia) Headache accompanied by vision loss (without an ocular cause) Visual loss after ocular causes have been excluded.