Forget Mum or Mom, in northern England they usually like calling their mothers Mam. The pronunciation, of course, will vary for Mam whether you're a Northumbrian or Geordie. This term of endearment for mother is also very common in Scotland and Northern Ireland. In Ireland Ma is also frequently used instead of Mam.
The UK generally goes with "mum" and "dad", the Irish with "mam" (mammie). Down south (towards London) it's pronounced "m-uh-m", whereas up north (towards Scotland, Manchester) they pronounce it "m-ooh-m".
Mum (British) mummy (British, childish) Mummy (British, childish) mumsy (British)
More commonly people refer to their parents as their mum in UK English, or mom in US English, and their dad in both UK and US English. These words are more informal than mother and father. UK My mum and dad go there every year. US His eyes filled with tears when he saw his mom and dad.
The short answer is that the two nations do speak different dialects of English. Additionally, neither the use of language nor the use of these different dialects is bound by distinct geographical borders. This is why 'mum' and 'mom' show up in other parts of the world outside of USA and the UK.
Mam is used in Ireland, Wales, Scotland and parts of northern England. Mom is most associated with American English. These are all accepted terms for 'mother', so your preference will usually depend on where you grew up.
Forget Mum or Mom, in northern England they usually like calling their mothers Mam. The pronunciation, of course, will vary for Mam whether you're a Northumbrian or Geordie. This term of endearment for mother is also very common in Scotland and Northern Ireland. In Ireland Ma is also frequently used instead of Mam.
Mom and Mommy are old-English words, words that are stilled used in Birmingham and most parts of the West Midlands. It is said that when people from the West Midlands went to America many years ago they took the spelling with them, hence Americans use Mom and Mommy.
Now, a new survey of 2000 British adults from mobile phone design company emporia Telecom has found the answer. For British grandmothers the top five names in order of popularity at a national level are Nan (33%), Grandma (32%), Nana (24%), Nanny (22%) and Granny (14%). Only one-in-ten use the term Gran.
Certainly if you're in the US, your mother is your “mom” – short for “mommy” and in the UK, Australia and New Zealand it's “mum” – shortened from “mummy”.
Funny Nicknames for Mom
Mooma. Moomy. Mom-a-tron. Mumsy.
“Mother” is the modern-English equivalent of the Old English “modor,” pronounced “moh-dor.” This comes from the Latin word “mater,” pronounced “mah-ter.” I'm sure most of the fine folks reading this could guess as much; does the phrase “Alma Mater” ring any bells? It means “nourishing mother” in good-ole Latin.
Our modern word "clan" comes from clanna in Scottish Gaelic, which means "children" or "offspring". And a clan is known by its chief's surname.
bairn. / (bɛən, Scottish bern) / noun. Scot and Northern English a child.
Bairn - child 2. Blether - friendly talk 3.
In Britain, Ireland, United States, Australia, New Zealand and, particularly prevalent in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nan, Nana, Nanna, Nanny, Gran and Granny and other variations are often used for grandmother in both writing and speech.
-Scottish: In Scottish Gaelic, the word for grandma is “Seanmhair,” which means good mother. But other commonly used Scottish grandmother names include “Nana,” “Nanna,” “Mhamó” and “Mamó.” -Spanish: In Spanish, grandmothers are known as “Abuela” or “Abuelita.”
We all know Nana and Papa, Grandma and Grandpa, Gramms and Gramps, and so on, but there are cuter still! In Louisiana, grandparents are Mawmaw & Pawpaw respectively. And Australia is a strong contender too, with Nanna for grandmother, and for grandfather, Pop.
A Scotswoman is a Scottish woman.
Scottish Word: Geggie.
The Scottish word for "dad" is "da".
bree (plural brees) (obsolete or dialectal, Scotland) The eyelid. (obsolete or dialectal, Scotland) The eyebrow. (Scotland) The brow; forehead.