This is called a “Flehmen response,” sometimes shortened to “flehming.” The term comes from a German word referring to curling of the lips. The cat opens their mouth to allow scent to reach the vomeronasal organ (called the Jacobsen Organ) in the roof of their mouth.
The Flehmen Response. It turns out our cats aren't the only animals that open their mouths to enhance their ability to smell. This strange behavior, called “the flehman response,” is seen in a wide range of mammals. (But not in humans.)
It probably feels like your four-legged fur baby has got it in for you, but these perceived acts of aggression are actually an indicator of affection. That can be quite difficult to fathom, right? But it's true; they're actually “love bites” rather than a defense mechanism.
Contrary to what some cat experts may or may not think about the significance of the “silent meow”, committed cat guardians insist THEY know precisely what it means. It's a voiceless valentine, a definite declaration of the overwhelming love, affection and gratitude that their cherished companions feel for them.
Swatting is a predatory behavior that's often shown while playing — especially with toys. Kittens are usually rougher when swatting because older cats know how to hide their claws. If you use your hands while playing with your cats, they may think of them as toys.
We generally assume a purring cat is a contented cat. It's safe to say a hissing cat, its ears drawn back, is not pleased.
With human visitors, cats displaying territorial aggression will typically approach or lunge at them, which may be accompanied by growling and hissing. Swatting or biting may occur even if the visitor stands still or attempts to move away. It's important to remember that cat aggression is the symptom, not a cause.
They get up close. Cats are very protective of their personal space and don't like unwelcome guests to invade it. If a cat allows you to get close to them, that suggests a close bond, particularly where the contact is frequent or long lasting. Curling up on your lap for a nap is a sign of deep trust.
Sorry to break it to you, but human meows mean nothing to cats. At most, you can get your cat's attention and they may even appreciate your attempts to communicate by purring or even meowing back. But to most cats, human meows sound like human language.
Much of the time, when you notice that your cat is meowing without sound, it's not a cause for concern. The silent meow is one option that your kitty has at her disposal when she's ready to tell you exactly what she wants, when she wants it and how much she loves you.
Why does my cat bite me and lick me? If your cat licks you then bites you, or bites you then licks you, this is likely a sign that they are overstimulated. Licking humans or other cats is usually a bonding exercise for cats that helps them share their scent and feel good.
If your cat sleeps on your bed, he may choose a position that lets him see out your bedroom door more easily. If he's curled up in a ball under your bed or in a quiet corner, then he may be hiding. Cats who sleep under the covers might love being close to you, or they might be hiding to feel safer.
The ways that cats show love differ from the ways humans do. Cats show love and affection by purring, bunting, and rolling over onto their back.
He wants to get close to you
In the wild, cats will groom each other to bond. If you caress her, she may want to return the favor and deepen her connection with you. The cat will cuddle you by touching your face with its paws. He may also lick or bite you to show you his affection and love.
Cats are known to be very independent and do as they please, when they please - Cats call the shots. They are not antisocial, they just like to have attention when they want it. So if your cat licks then bites you, they might just be asking for a little bit of love or attention.
Dilated (large) pupils are another source of understanding the meaning of cats' mysterious eyes, and often indicate an excited cat. It can also be a display of surprise or fear, depending on the situation. It is not unusual for a cat's pupils to fully dilate when they are really excited.
Smell Transfer
Cats recognize each other (and us) by scent. Raising the butt is your cat's way of getting their anal glands closer to your nose so you can get a whiff of their pheromones. This is how cats introduce themselves to other cats.
Communication with your cat is key
That communication style may not include physical touch—being a cat's favorite person doesn't necessarily mean they want you to pet. A cat's favorite person may be the one who makes them feel comfortable and safe just by being in the same room with them.
All in all, even the most aloof and brooding cat will be able to pick up on your warmth and devotion. Whether they choose to admit it or not, they can sense when a person loves them (and hates them). So always make sure you're emitting good, kitty-positive vibes, and your cat will be sure to indulge in the lovefest.
Cat mothers teach their little kittens that head rubbing can be a form of affection, so when they find a human they trust, they rub their heads on them. It's similar to when your cat kneads your lap, using the pheromones released by glands near its paw pads to mark you as safe and welcoming.