atar (pl. atari) is a
ontar noun prob. *"begetter, parent" (a gender-neutral term, applied to a woman in the source; compare the various gender-specific forms below) (VT44:7). Dual ontaru "(two) parents" (see ontani above).
ambe or mambe “mother” (PE16/135).
Adar or Ada is Sindarin for "father".
Eldamo : Sindarin : ion(n) The usual word for “son” in Sindarin, derived from the root √YON of similar meaning (MR/373; SD/129; VT50/18; Ety/YŌ). Tolkien gave it as both ion and ionn.
Aran is the word for "king" or "chief" in Sindarin. Its plural form is erain. In Quenya it was aran, as well.
hîr is a Sindarin word meaning "lord, master".
In the sixth episode, Adar reveals to Galadriel that he is an Uruk - one of the Elves who was corrupted by Morgoth into becoming the first of a new kind, the Orcs. The character is not seen until the end of the third episode and even then, is shown out of focus as we learn Arondir is being brought to him by the Orcs.
A mysterious individual of the Second Age was referred to as Adar, or "Lord-father", by Orcs, presumably because, according to Galadriel, of his status as one of the first Elves to be captured and tortured by Morgoth.
This origin story also, notably, explains why Joseph Mawle's villain is referred to by his fellow orcs in The Rings of Power as “Adar,” which means “father” in the Elvish language of Sindarin. As one of the world's first orcs, it makes sense for his followers to see Adar as a kind of father to their race.
Ithil: a Sindarin word meaning "the moon" or "(full) moon". The word can be found in Minas Ithil, Ithilien, and ithildin.
tári is a Quenya word meaning "queen". The literal meaning is "her highness", from târa ("high") + feminine personal ending -ī.
Fae is an archaic English word referring to "magic" or "fairies". This word was used by Tolkien in the early version of his legendarium (The Book of Lost Tales) to refer to the Valar and the Elves.
The elf appeared as a character race and as one of three in a family of elven races — the sylvans, the drows, and the eladrins — in the fourth edition Player's Handbook (2008).
nossë is a Quenya word meaning "kindred, family". In the Quenya of the Etymologies, nosse is glossed as "clan, family, 'house'", derived from the root NŌ ("beget").
Brethil: Meaning “princess” in Sindarin, another language of the elves. Varda: Meaning “queen” in Sindarin.
As Galadriel explains, in the First Age, the Dark Lord Morgoth captured and tortured elves, turning them into twisted, ruined creatures that would later become the orcs as we know them.
In-fiction origins
The origin(s) of orcs were explained two different ways (i.e., inconsistently) by Tolkien: the orcs were either East Elves (Avari) enslaved, tortured, and bred by Morgoth (as Melkor became known), or, "perhaps.. Avari [(a race of elves)]..
Apprently half-elves and half-orcs can't crossbreed at ALL.
In the Silvan Elvish language "Adar" is Sindarin for "father." Adar is the father of the Orcs, in a sense. Tolkien's novels give a few different potential origin stories for the Orcs themselves, but The Rings of Power puts the creation of these creatures in a new context.
Character Overview. In myths and tales, dwarfs and elves are small humanlike creatures, often endowed with magical powers. Dwarfs generally look like old men with long beards and are sometimes ugly or misshapen. Elves, known for their mischievous pranks, tend to be smaller in stature than dwarves.
Adar as the Elf Who Became the First Orc, Created by Morgoth
He is one of the elves Morgoth “tortured” and “twisted” into “a new and ruined form of life.” She called those elves, the first orcs, “the Moriondor, the Sons of the Dark.” But Adar says they prefer another name: Uruk.
Words denoting "dragon" in Quenya are lókë and angulóke. Sindarin has lhûg and amlug. In Gnomish, "dragon" is fuithlug ("a dragon who guards treasure"), lingwir or ulug (plural ulûgin; "she dragon" is uluch, uluchnir or ulugwin).
Menel was an Elvish (both Quenya and Sindarin) name for the regions of air above Arda, a name which is generally meant as "firmament, heaven" or "the heavens". Sometimes the word is simply synonymous with the sky, but in other uses it is meant as a more sublime reference to the domain of the stars and heavenly bodies.
Sindarin is the most commonly spoken Elvish language in Middle-earth and was based on Welsh and other Celtic languages. Sindarin was the language of the Grey Elves or the Elves who remained in Middle-earth after the First Age, who Tolkien described as a sub-group of the Teleri.