Some people should not get some HPV vaccines if: They have ever had a life-threatening allergic reaction to any ingredient of an HPV vaccine, or to a previous dose of HPV vaccine. They have an allergy to yeast (Gardasil and Gardasil 9). They are pregnant.
HPV vaccination is not recommended for everyone older than age 26 years. Some adults age 27 through 45 years who were not already vaccinated might choose to get HPV vaccine after speaking with their doctor about their risk for new HPV infections and possible benefits of vaccination for them.
HPV vaccine is recommended for routine vaccination at age 11 or 12 years. (Vaccination can be started at age 9.) ACIP also recommends vaccination for everyone through age 26 years if not adequately vaccinated when younger.
The HPV vaccine was originally approved for females ages 9 through 26. Now, adults up to age 45 can get vaccinated. U.S. health officials have expanded the recommended age range for people receiving the HPV vaccine to protect against several types of cancer to people in their mid-40s.
Males and females ages 9 to 45 can get the vaccine
In fact, patients 15 and older should receive three shots over the course of six months to receive the same benefit. The bottom line: All males and females ages 9–26 should get the HPV vaccine. It is most effective when given at ages 11–12.
“If you are married, monogamous, and 35 — there's probably no reason to run out and get the HPV vaccine. But if you're dating and having new partners, and are at risk for acquiring new infections, it would be worth having a discussion with your provider,” Eckert said.
You can get HPV by having vaginal, anal, or oral sex with someone who has the virus. It is most commonly spread during vaginal or anal sex. It also spreads through close skin-to-skin touching during sex. A person with HPV can pass the infection to someone even when they have no signs or symptoms.
Generally, since the vaccine does not treat HPV, it just prevents it, there is less benefit after people become sexually active and have likely been exposed to HPV already. The cost-benefit ratio for vaccinating older adults weighs more to the side of just adding cost, so the CDC does not recommend it,” says Dr.
Gardasil took more than 20 years to develop, is complex to manufacture, and must beconstantly refrigerated, but that's not why it's so expensive. Instead, Merck calculated the price based on the money the vaccine will save the entire health-care system—and the CDC approved the price, as it does with other vaccines.
Although the HPV vaccine is approved for people up to 45, the CDC only offers a provisional recommendation for vaccination of women and men over 26.
HPV vaccine cost in India
HPV vaccine price in India in 2022 ranges between INR 2000 (25 USD) and INR 3500 (44 USD) per dose. Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccinations are given in 2-3 doses, depending on the patient's age at the time of the initial vaccination.
Gardasil-9 (9vHPV) is the vaccine that protects against nine HPV types (6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52 and 58). According to the Indian Society of Coloscopy and Cervical Pathology, high-risk HPV strains 31, 33, 45, 52, and 58 are responsible for an additional 10% to 20% of cervical cancer cases.
How much does the HPV vaccine cost? Each dose of the vaccine can cost about $250. Luckily, many health insurance companies cover the HPV vaccine. There are also programs that help some people without insurance get the vaccine for low or no cost.
A one or two-dose schedule for girls aged 9-14 years. A one or two-dose schedule for girls and women aged 15-20 years. Two doses with a 6-month interval for women older than 21 years.
At any given time, about 6.6% of women in the general population are estimated to harbor cervical HPV infection. HPV serotypes 16 and 18 account for nearly 76.7% of cervical cancer in India.
ACIP does not recommend HPV vaccination for adults older than age 26 years. ACIP recommends HPV vaccination based on shared clinical decision making for individuals ages 27 through 45 years who are not adequately vaccinated. [1] HPV vaccines are not licensed for use in adults older than age 45 years.
Currently, only one HPV vaccine, Gardasil, produced by American multinational Merck, is available in India's private market for ₹10,850 in a single-dose pre-filled syringe presentation.
Studies suggest that HPV vaccines offer long-lasting protection against HPV infection and therefore disease caused by HPV infection. Studies of the bivalent and quadrivalent vaccines have followed vaccinated individuals for more than 10 years and have found no evidence of protection decreasing over time.
The vaccine is very, very effective.
If you are vaccinated before being exposed to the virus, the HPV vaccine is 97 percent effective in preventing cervical cancer and cell changes that could lead to cancer. Plus, it's almost 100 percent effective in preventing external genital warts.
HPV is now common in women in their 40s
It's becoming more common for women who have been HPV-negative their whole life to acquire the virus in their 40s if they have a new partner, Dr. Zanotti says.
There is no cure for the virus (HPV) itself. There are treatments for the health problems that HPV can cause, such as genital warts, cervical changes, and cervical cancer. What should I know about genital warts? There are many treatment choices for genital warts.
A new study of survey data finds that only a minority of parents choose not to immunize their children against the sexually transmitted human papillomavirus (HPV) due to concerns that vaccination would encourage or support youth sexual activity, a reason frequently cited by doctors as a barrier to advocating for this ...
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that can transmit through skin-to-skin contact during sex. Having HPV does not mean a person is unable to date or engage in sexual activity. However, they may wish to take additional precautions or disclose that they have HPV to sexual partners.
HPV is transmitted by skin-to-skin contact. Because HPV can infect areas that are not covered by the condom, condoms will not fully protect you against HPV, but condoms do help in HPV prevention.