Dooku was born in 102 BBY into a noble family on the planet Serenno. He was taught by Yoda as a youngling. At the age of 13, he became the apprentice of Jedi Master Thame Cerulian, a scholar of the dark side of the Force. After Dooku became a Jedi Knight, he trained Qui-Gon Jinn as his apprentice.
After seventy years in the Jedi Order, Dooku abandoned his friends and the Jedi way for the dark side of the Force. Under the tutelage of Sidious, Dooku was renamed Darth Tyranus and became a Dark Lord of the Sith.
An assassin trained in the ways of the dark side by Count Dooku, Asajj Ventress yearned to be considered a true Sith, but such status wasn't allowed under the Sith's Rule of Two. Ventress fought with twin red-bladed lightsabers, and clashed with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker many times.
Masters. Sifo-Dyas was a human male Jedi Master from Minashee who commissioned the Kaminoans' creation of the Grand Army of the Republic over a decade before the Clone Wars.
In doing so, Sifo-Dyas became an unwitting pawn of the Sith, who took over the project and hired the Pyke Syndicate to murder Sifo-Dyas on Oba Diah's moon. A decade after Sifo-Dyas' death, Obi-Wan Kenobi discovered the army he had commissioned, now ready for duty.
Mission to Mathas. Padawan Windu was trained in the ways of the Force by Jedi Master Cyslin Myr.
When the Sith were revealed to have returned during the Invasion of Naboo in 32 BBY, Master Sifo-Dyas secretly commissioned the creation of a clone army, placing an order with the Kaminoan government before he was murdered by his friend, Count Dooku.
Billaba became Windu's Padawan and trained under the Jedi Master in the ways of the Force. During her training, Windu allowed her to study Form VII variant known as Vaapad. She eventually became a Jedi Knight, renowned for her skills with a lightsaber and favored Form III when teaching other Jedi.
A Sith Lord with the ability to prevent death and create life, Plagueis is the mentor of Sheev Palpatine/Darth Sidious, who, in accordance to the Sith's Rule of Two, eventually betrays Plagueis by murdering him in his sleep, taking his place as Sith Master.
Clone marshal commanders were the highest rank a clone trooper could gain within the Grand Army of the Republic. They were usually in charge of Corps-level formations. The marshal commander was an equivalent to Major Generals or Lieutenant Generals outside of the Grand Army.
The Grand Master's apprentice
At one time, Dooku was the Padawan of Yoda, the Grand Master of the Jedi Order.
In 2017, Marvel released Star Wars: Darth Maul, a 5-issue prequel series centered on Maul before the events of The Phantom Menace. The comic details upon Maul's training under Darth Sidious, and how he was manipulated into hating the Jedi for leading the Sith to near-extinction.
Studying Jedi Archive records, Dooku based his new weapon design after the curved hilts that were standard during the heyday of Form II lightsaber combat. The curve allowed the hilt to fit better into his hand, allowing for superior finesse and precise blade control.
In the Star Wars Legends continuity, the founders of the Jedi Order were Jedi Masters Cala Brin, Garon Jard, Rajivari, and Ters Sendon.
In the original trilogy, Palpatine is depicted as the Emperor of the Galactic Empire and the master of Darth Vader.
Trained in lightsaber combat by Count Dooku, he travelled the galaxy, invading worlds and engaging Jedi. The metal-meets-organic monstrosity fought Ahsoka Tano and Obi-Wan Kenobi numerous times, always managing to escape. Grievous maintained his own lair in a Separatist headquarters.
The child who would be remembered as Revan was eventually discovered to be Force-sensitive and was accepted into the Jedi Order. The Jedi Master Kreia claimed to have been his first teacher in the ways of the Force.
As Anakin's powers grew, Mace Windu's respect for Anakin grew, but his trust never did.
Mace Windu and Sheev Palpatine
But this rivalry was frustrating for many reasons. In true Samuel L. Jackson form, Mace Windu's character was never timid with his skepticism or disapprovals when it came to both the Senate and Anakin becoming a Jedi.
Feemor was a Human male Jedi Knight who served the Galactic Republic. The first Padawan to Jedi Knight Qui-Gon Jinn, Feemor was successfully trained to Knighthood by Jinn, who was in turn granted the title of Jedi Master.
Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas had once contacted cloners about ordering the Clone Army because he saw a prophecy of what he thought was an upcoming threat the Republic needed to defend against.
Why was Kamino erased from the Jedi archives? So that the clone army being created there would not be discovered earlier than Darth Sidious intended. To that end, he sent his apprentice, the former Jedi Dooku, to erase Kamino from the Archives in 32 BBY (around the time the army's creation was commissioned).
He was a Jedi Master, that in itself takes a person very strong and stable in the Force, but he was unable, it seems, to sense disturbances on the scale of other Jedi, that could however have been in part to the Sith clouding his judgement and ability to sense such disturbances prior to his assassination at the hands ...