Students who are affected by ADHD often have a hard time with math because their memory is not very strong and blocking out external stimuli is a struggle. Memory, which is where information is stored for later use, is one of many executive functions.
For any child with ADHD, an LD, or both, the struggle to manage their executive functions is difficult because learning requires the use of executive functions, especially the ability to focus, pay attention, engage in tasks, and use working memory.
Some research has linked ADHD to math anxiety. Ma and Xu (2004) found that high school students with ADHD were more at risk for math anxiety than typically-developing students.
Because the ADHD brain habituates to stimuli very quickly, it can be difficult to maintain attention to repetitive tasks, like, say, practicing math facts. In fact, kids with ADHD sometimes get less accurate the better they have their facts memorized.
Does ADHD affect IQ? A popular misconception is that all children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are naturally smarter and have a higher IQ than children without ADHD. However, there is no correlation between this condition and intelligence.
Keep instructions simple and structured. Use props, charts, and other visual aids. Vary the pace and include different kinds of activities. Many students with ADHD do well with competitive games or other activities that are rapid and intense.
CTCMath. If you are looking for an ADHD homeschool math for short attention spans, CTCMath might be the perfect fit. CTCMath is an online math program with short PowerPoint-style math presentations and math quizzes organized by grade and by topic, similar to Khan Academy.
Reading can be difficult and frustrating for children with ADHD. This is due to issues of focusing, managing distractions, and processing and retaining information. If the condition isn't managed during childhood, reading challenges may continue into high school, college, and adulthood.
ADHD is not on the autism spectrum, but they have some of the same symptoms. And having one of these conditions increases the chances of having the other. Experts have changed the way they think about how autism and ADHD are related.
School can present challenges for many children with ADHD. Because ADHD symptoms include difficulty with attention regulation, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, which can affect planning, organizing, and managing behavior, many children with ADHD struggle with change.
ADHD is a protected disability under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
“The hardest thing about ADHD is that it's 'invisible' to outsiders. It's not like other conditions that people can clearly see. People just assume that we are not being good parents and that our child is a brat, when they don't have an idea how exhausted we truly are.” —Sara C.
Struggles with reading, writing, and math are common among students with ADHD. Use these strategies and tools to help your child overcome these and other learning challenges in core school subjects.
The students with ADHD also performed better in certain subject areas than those without ADHD. These included the arts, creative writing, science discovery, and architecture. (Their achievement was self-reported.)
The best teacher for a child with ADHD is one who celebrates and works with their students' creativity, energy, and curiosity. One who not only follows but improves classroom accommodations.
In general, children with ADHD are right-brained learners. They prefer to learn visually — by watching or doing a task in an activity-based, hands-on format, not by listening to lectures, practicing drills, or memorizing. There are many ways to implement visual learning outside the classroom.
ADHD can affect a student's ability to focus, pay attention, listen, or put effort into schoolwork. ADHD also can make a student fidgety, restless, talk too much, or disrupt the class. Kids with ADHD might also have learning disabilities that cause them to have problems in school.
Sitting still for long periods of time can be hard for students with ADHD. Brain breaks can help by switching up what they're doing for a few minutes. Brain breaks are quick, structured breaks using physical movement, mindfulness exercises, or sensory activities.
Channing Tatum is one of the most widely recognized celebrities. He also happens to be an actor who has publicly shared his struggles with ADHD during his childhood and how his struggles at school affected him. In fact, he continues to work through related difficulties as an adult.
ADHD AND GIFTEDNESS are sometimes described as having the same or similar characteristics. However, one diagnosis is considered a disability and one, a gift. Neither assumption is ideal in supporting the child identified with either ADHD, giftedness, or both, often referred to as twice exceptional or 2e.